How to acquire data for your AI models ethically

Organisations wanting to make the best use of artificial intelligence must not skip the fundamental first steps: collecting and processing reliable data, ethically

Acquire Data Ethically Raconteur Istock Gorodenkoff

Nearly two decades have passed since British mathematician Clive Humby declared data to be the “new oil”. But, unlike oil, data is not a finite resource. In fact, new data is being created all the time

And never has it been more important, as thousands of businesses seek to build and train AI algorithms. Deriving success from generative AI means ensuring that the data that shapes it is as good and reliable as possible.

“There’s a kind of black-box thinking around AI at the moment,” says Rachel Aldighieri, managing director of trade body the Data and Marketing Association (DMA). “It’s really important to unpack how AI works: it’s not algorithms that are necessarily causing issues around data privacy and ethics, it’s the data practises companies are using.”