The importance of learning in the workplace

From virtual reality to community-based projects, digital learning sets companies apart and prepares employees for the future

Picture a typical home office: there is a desk next to a window with a laptop on it, a steaming cup of coffee, a printer, a chair, a rubbish bin and maybe a notepad or plant. Now imagine this picture of a home office is actually an image on a screen in front of you and you have 45 seconds to identify the potential security risks of this setting. 

You click on the bin and a voiceover says: “One man’s trash, is another man’s treasure. Criminals love old bank statements, utility bills, personal data; it's all a criminal needs to steal your ID. This treasure in your trash is also useful to socially engineer your trust; a scammer can sound legitimate if they have a little of your accurate personal information.” 

Next you click on the window. “Imagine accidentally talking about an unreleased product or sensitive customer information with the window wide open,” says the voiceover, which goes on to outline the risks involved with each object you have selected.