Three-minute explainer on… technostress

Technology is meant to help us, but thanks to technical breakdowns, increasingly overwhelming complexity and the lure of the doomscroll, all too often it’s stressing us out

Three-minute explainer

In the optimistic post-war climate that birthed sci-fi such as the Jetsons and Star Trek, the technologies of the distant future promised to help and assist us – we would work fewer hours and maximise our leisure time. 

But, so far, the 21st century has produced a slightly different reality. We haven't quite cracked robot butlers or replicators. And, despite all the benefits that digital technologies bring, technology is really stressing us out

Remote work has blurred the boundaries between home and office and empowered bosses to snoop on staff. Artificial intelligence is changing the world of work so quickly that it’s led to so-called AI anxiety, with the rate of change worrying employees about their job security.