Why tech chiefs must master the art of storytelling

The sheer complexity of digital transformations can be alienating. The onus is on CIOs to make them comprehensible to all stakeholders by providing a clear, compelling story

By their very nature, digital transformations tend to be large and complex undertakings that aren’t widely understood outside the IT function. This has obliged many CIOs to articulate a convincing vision of the future to win the support of their boards and rally the whole organisation around ideas that may be hard for the lay person to grasp. It’s no mean feat. 

Excellent communication skills are vital – non-technical employees must first understand a largely tech-led strategy if they are going to buy into it. But the important task of explaining the plan in the most relatable and compelling terms is often overlooked.

“This can be a dry and complex subject, of which relatively few people have a deep knowledge,” says Haig Tyler, CIO at global law firm Herbert Smith Freehills. “But, with technology affecting all aspects of our lives, this knowledge gap needs to be addressed – hence the need for storytelling.”