Three ways that any organisation can innovate

Many businesses see innovation as simply coming up with new products or tools, but for Reckitt’s Dr Angela Naef it is much more about mindset and culture

Angela Naef Reckitt chief R&D officer

Take a look through the roles on the executive boards of some of the world's biggest companies and you'll see many of the same titles. All have CEOs, most have CFOs, several have CMOs, but less common is the chief research and development officer.

This is largely because many organisations don't believe they need one. But having a C-level executive responsible for keeping the business and its employees at the cutting edge could be critical for business success.

That is why the consumer goods company Reckitt has Dr Angela Naef. A scientist by trade, Naef has a PhD in chemistry from the University of California, Davis, and has held director-level positions at manufacturing firms including The Dow Chemical Company and DuPont. She joined Reckitt, the company behind brands including Dettol, Durex and Nurofen, in September 2020, where she is responsible for overseeing new regulations and risks, leading a team of 3,500 people and, most importantly, driving innovation.