The main reasons why IoT projects fail

Long completion times

Resistance to change and outdated existing organisational processes can be a major hurdles in getting a projects started let alone completed. It is important that all relevant stakeholder have buy-in before a project begins and that you identify and define the successes that IoT solutions can bring and its further potential. Implementation requires careful planning to ensure timely and successful adoption.

Poor quality of the data collected

Poor data often means poor decisions being taken from that data. Seeking and leveraging the right internal teams as well as external resources is key in ensuring you are address the gaps in your knowledge and make the most of the right insights.

Lack of internal expertise

Limited knowledge and capabilities can prove a huge initial challenge - even for the smallest of digital transformation initiatives within an organisation. Lack of expertise requires more thoughtful planning and cautious approaches, and may require IoT experts to be called upon.

IoT integration

Connected with having a lack of internal expertise can see the integration of IoT initiatives in an organisation falling short as teams and departments are not congruent in its integration. Integration is not just about technical implementation but addressing policies, communication and relevance to an organisation.

Budget overruns

Longer completion times and unaccounted resources can take a toll on financing and can see IoT projects being canned or seen as not worth the investment. Managers need to plan diligently and realistically for different scenarios, as well as provide contingencies for resources and costs that sees a project to completion.

Find out more on how to avoid the pitfalls that can stall your IoT project.