
How to stop cyclical recruitment processes and get proactive about talent

The benefits of hiring from a diverse pool of candidates are well documented, but finding the right mix remains a challenge. Regular columnist and recruitment expert Dr Joanna Abeyie shares her advice

I've run an inclusive recruitment and executive search business and a diversity, inclusion and equity consultancy practice for over 14 years. Two questions come up again and again. One: where can we source diverse talent? And two: how do we increase our recruitment of diverse talent?

After establishing what exactly is meant by 'diverse talent' (usually referring to those individuals whose identity falls under the Equality Act's protected characteristics), I begin to point out the obvious: there is a war on talent. Every company wants the best people. Organisations are becoming savvier and more alive because they must work hard to entice that talent. The businesses that have grasped this concept are leaving their competitors behind.

The talent marketplace is bursting with exceptional professionals from various backgrounds who are all for the taking. The challenge is not whether you are fast enough; it's whether you are preparing enough.