Remote working in the cloud: what’s the risk?

Businesses are relying on cloud to maintain operations during the pandemic, but what are the risks and how can they protect themselves from vulnerabilities?

The cloud has proved a lifeline to many organisations during the coronavirus pandemic. It has enabled a swift transition from office to home working, allowed firms to scale quickly in the switch to digital services and continues to underpin their day-to-day operations. However, one aspect of the cloud continues to cause concern: security.

Forty-one per cent of organisations still believe the office is a safer environment from a cybersecurity perspective, according to research from the Cloud Industry Forum. But what is it about working over the cloud that prompts such concern for organisations? Many of the doubts focus on data loss or a perceived lack of control over their data.

“Many businesses that have held back from adopting the cloud have done so through fear their data could be leaked. This stems from the fact that the cloud is a multi-user environment where multiple resources are shared,” says Lisa Ventura, chief executive of the UK Cyber Security Association.