Have work perks become too ‘paternalistic’?

Basecamp CEO Jason Fried believes that workplace benefits are overstepping the mark when it comes to persuading certain behaviours among staff, but his opinion is not shared by everyone

In a controversial update from Basecamp CEO Jason Fried, the company co-founder announced an end to political discussions at work, 360 reviews and “paternalistic” benefits. According to Fried, the perks offered by the US software company, which included a fitness benefit, wellness allowance and farmer's market share, were essentially telling employees how to lead their lives.

Fried claims that, “by providing funds for certain things, we're getting too deep into nudging people's personal, individual choices. So we've ended these benefits”. Instead, Basecamp will now give staff the monetary value of the perks they were once offered. 

Workplace culture expert and former Twitter vice-president Bruce Daisley understands why some people would be reluctant to allow their employers to make semi-moral or attitudinal decisions on their behalf.