Non-surgical, non-invasive body sculpting is now a reality. This means you no longer need to starve, sweat or go under the scalpel to get a better body.
But as with any other medical procedure, it’s vital that you chose a treatment that is safe, proven and unquestionably effective. Fortunately, there is proven technology to streamline your shape.
CoolSculpting® by ZELTIQ® features its proprietary Cryolipolysis® technology, a powerful yet safe way to literally freeze away your fat cells.
With each hour-long treatment, during which you can work, read or even nap, you can now lose an average 20 per cent reduction of fat in the treated area. CoolSculpting is currently being used to treat the abdomen, thighs, hips, back or wherever you need a little help.
And all without surgery, scars, support garments or special diets. There’s no downtime and because CoolSculpting permanently destroys treated fat cells, the results last.
New research shows that people who had CoolSculpting two or even five years ago have maintained their visibly slimmer shapes. Studies also demonstrate that 86 per cent of patients show a visible improvement to the treated area and 82 per cent would recommend CoolSculpting to their friends.
No wonder CoolSculpting has over 95 per cent patient satisfaction. And to date, more than 700,000 treatments have been conducted worldwide in over 55 countries.
CoolSculpting is the only non-surgical alternative to liposuction I can recommend to my patients because, quite simply, it works
But there is a downside to this kind of popularity. The success of CoolSculpting means it has spawned a host of counterfeit devices. Many establishments now advertise fat-freezing treatments, often at the same price or less than CoolSculpting.
However, CoolSculpting is the world’s only cold-based, non-surgical body contouring treatment that is cleared by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. Moreover, it is CE marked as a Class IIa medical device in Europe.
CoolSculpting is sold exclusively to medical professionals and is only used in a regulated, clinical environment. It has many years of research behind it and a safety record that is second to none. CoolSculpting’s patented technology includes the unique Freeze Detect® safety measures, which ensure that every CoolSculpting device maintains an effective, but safe, temperature at all times. In addition, ZELTIQ, the company behind CoolSculpting, is constantly innovating to make treatments even more effective.
There is currently a family of four applicators capable of targeting both larger areas, such as the abdomen, and smaller ones, such as the inner thigh and bra fat.
The newest CoolSculpting initiative is the advanced concept, “Treatment to Transformation”. Your individual body shape is expertly assessed and a customised programme of treatments is designed specifically for you to both debulk, reducing fat for a slimmer shape, and to sculpt for a sexier, more balanced body.
Leading cosmetic medical practitioner Dr Tracy Mountford, MBBS, MBCAM, is founder and medical director of The Cosmetic Skin Clinic in Buckinghamshire and London’s Harley Street, which has become the busiest CoolSculpting practice in the country.
She says: “The safety and satisfaction of my patients is always my highest priority. So I only invest in the most proven, safe technologies. I was impressed by the science behind CoolSculpting’s patented, FDA-cleared system. But any system is only as good as the people using it. My staff of medical specialists have received the highest level of advanced training regarding CoolSculpting. This means, when it comes to results, CoolSculpting has surpassed my expectations.
“My patients love the wow results they are seeing, particularly with the ‘Treatment to Transformation’ approach of customised treatment plans. When performing ‘Treatment to Transformation’ in our clinic, we are achieving an average fat reduction of up to 40 per cent in the treated area. CoolSculpting is the only non-surgical alternative to liposuction I recommend to my patients because, quite simply, it works.”
How does CoolSculpting work?
Harvard Medical School scientists were inspired by research showing that children who sucked ice lollies lost fat in their cheeks. Research showed that at a certain temperature fat cells crystallise and die, without any harmful effects to skin or surrounding tissue. This raised the prospect of true “spot reduction” of fat.
Years of studies and safety testing ensued before CoolSculpting was launched in 2009. The ideal CoolSculpting patient has “grabbable” soft, superficial fat which is sucked up by vacuum into the applicator of the CoolSculpting device, where heat is extracted from the fatty areas, while the skin is kept protected by a proprietary gel pad.
Treated fat cells start to die, and are safely processed and excreted by the body. Results start to appear around three weeks after treatment with most dramatic results visible after one to three months. This means the effects of CoolSculpting appear gradually, like the results from dieting and exercise. Only you will know your secret. CoolSculpting treatments start from around £800 per area.
For more information, please visit
‘My immeasurable joy’
Kate Battrick is a fashion stylist, author, and fashion and lifestyle blogger at She had CoolSculpting, using the “Treatment to Transformation” approach, at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic in 2013.
She says: “Before I had CoolSculpting, though I was at a healthy weight, no matter how much I watched what I ate or exercised, my ‘muffin top’ was my confirmed enemy.
“Dr Mountford recommended ‘Treatment to Transformation’, and I had treatments to upper and lower abdomen and flanks – my ‘muffin top’.
“The procedure was thoroughly explained and I understood how CoolSculpting worked, but I was still absolutely stunned by the results, which were achieved after just one treatment to each area.
“Now I am enjoying the fact that all my lovely clothes fit me perfectly once again and I look a million dollars in them. Even a vintage white pleated Dior which has hung unworn for years can now get an airing. The difference CoolSculpting has made to me is immeasurable, not just in the way I look, but in terms of happiness and my new inner glow.”
How does CoolSculpting work?
‘My immeasurable joy’