The evolving retail and logistics CIO
It’s been a challenging couple of years for retail and logistics CIOs. As online sales boomed during lockdowns, companies leant heavily on technology leaders to meet consumers’ demands, and now, there’s a skills shortage to grapple with too. So how are CIOs tackling this?
In our roundtable, sponsored by Computer Futures, retail and logistic CIOs shared insights on how they are navigating changes and challenges in their roles and industries.
The evolving retail and logistics CIO
• How has the role of the retail and logistics CIO evolved?
• How can technology leaders build the right team?
• What’s next on the horizon?
Rich Corbridge
CIO, Boots
Helen Marshall
CIO, Yodel
Faith Doherty
Senior business manager, Computer Futures
Richard Gifford
CIO, Wincanton